Habitat Rabun board members serve for a four-year term. Each January, board members rotate on and off the board as do new officers. We welcome the following new board members and our Executive Committee.

Back Row: Ed Steil, Chaplain, Pat Stueck, President, Matt Pileski (new board member), Don Martin, Vice-President, Misty Houston (new board member), Shelly Backer, Treasurer
Front Row: Amanda Harrold, Secretary, Tracy Ronemus (new board member), Rosa Icela Carter (new board member)
The Habitat Rabun board is a hard-working crew! Each of our board members serves on at least one working committee every year. We are grateful for the dedication and diligence of our board. They are an inspiration and bring hope to families in Rabun County!

Back Row: Ed Steil, David Tatum, Matt Pileski, Don Martin, Shelly Backer, Misty Houston, Pat Stueck, Tim Ranney
Middle Row: Barbara Anderson, Tracie Ronemus, Cheryl Crouse, Nancy Gribble
Front Row: Jeanine Marlow, Pete Cleaveland, Amanda Harrold, Kallie White, Nicole Griffin, Rosa Icela Carter, Richard Schott
If you have a desire to make an impact here in your community, Habitat Rabun is the place for you! Contact a board member to learn how you can volunteer or join our board. Making affordable housing a reality in our community changes everything for the better!